Stay Active' Bicycle Diaries
Interactive Session
1.0 hrs
May 02, 2015 10:30 am Saturday

“Stay Active’ Bicycle Diaries” is an Interactive Session by Dhiraj Kaveri chronicling his journey on two wheels pedaling in the city. “Bicycle Diaries” are personal memoirs of Dhiraj Kaveri as a cyclist since 2012. It has real life stories, anecdotes and research which the speaker has documented all these years. The idea behind “Bicycle Diaries” is part of the larger work of Health Promotion by the speaker under the Stay Active Health Promotion Program since 2011. As a Health Promoter and avid cyclists the speaker’s interest lies in promoting Active Transport like Walking and Cycling in urban settings. Cycling as a means of mobility can help in addressing various lifestyles diseases affecting urban dwellers due to sedentary lifestyles and physical inactivity. Cycling as a means of transport can also help mitigate some of the pressing urban issues like pollution, traffic congestion, road traffic accidents and global warming. Through “Bicycle Diaries” the speaker wants to share his experiences of being a cyclist in Hyderabad. The session also intends to interact with other cyclist, health conscious citizens and like minded people. It’s an attempt to network and strengthen the cycling community in Hyderabad. It aims to build up a tempo towards acknowledging cycling as a preferred means of staying healthy and a preferred means of mobility too. It hopes to make cycling as an attractive vehicle of choice for the masses in the future.


Dhiraj Kaveri
Dhiraj Kaveri is a Physiotherapist, Wellness Coach, Yoga Teacher and Health Promoter with a mission to Educate, Enable, Empower, Enlighten people and to help them in achieving a state of optimum health and well-being. Along with his wife and co-founder Vijaya Kaveri he runs a community based Stay Active Health Promotion Program in Hyderabad since 2011. Stay Active Program aims to promote healthy lifestyles and improve people’s quality of life.