Sutradhar presents OUT AT SEA
1.0 hrs
July 22, 2015 8:00 pm Wednesday

Sutradhar presents Out at Sea - a Play written by Slawomir Mrozek and directed by Vinay Varma.

It is the story of three hungry men marooned on a raft after a ship wreck. Does humanity get lost in cannibalism and political tyranny? Is hunger for food tragedy or comedy? Can man really eat man? Absurd. But that's the reality. The truth is that reality is absurd.

For passes:9848052541

Sutradhar is one of Hyderabad's most respected theatre groups. We have performed at some of the most prestigious venues in the country, like Prithvi Theatre in Mumbai and RangaShankara in Bangalore. Our plays - Main Rahi Masoom, Biriyani aur Haleem, Godse An Assassin Speaks, Voids Spaces and Borders, Birjees Qadar ka Kumba and Mahlaqa Bai Chanda and most recently Post Mortem have been appreciated by audiences and critics alike.