History of Communist Movements
2.0 hrs
July 11, 2015 7:00 pm Saturday

As part of Lamakaan's Night School, on 4th and 11th July, Night school Venugopal Rao will give us an understanding of how and when the Communist party first came into existence in India. What is CPI and CPM? What is CPI(ML)? Why are there many splinter parties within CPI(ML)? Who are Naxalites and what is their agenda? What is the difference between mainstream Communist parties and CPI(ML) parties? About Venugopal Rao: Venugopal Rao is a senior Telugu journalist. He is the editor of Veekshanam, a Telugu magazine. He is the author of many books. He writes articles extensively on the latest socio-political and economic developments of India and the world. He is a Marxist thinker. He gives classes on Marxist philosophy. All are welcome. Entry - Free

Lamakaan Lecture Series
Lamakaan Lecture Series is the flagship program of Lamakaan, an open cultural space. The main purpose of this series is engage audiences into series thought and action which help in comprehending the bigger picture. Experts from disciplines give lecture on various issues and topics which are dearer to one and all.