Greece Crisis: Lessons learn
1.0 hrs
July 28, 2015 7:00 pm Tuesday

An evening of discussion on'The Lesson to be Learnt with the current Greece Economic Crisis'.

Joining us for a discussion are Dr.Partha Banerjee is a labor educator and human rights activist based in New York.

He will speak about the neoliberal economic policies that are silently colonizing the world, in the name of development and prosperity.

A brief by the guest speaker:

"IMF and ARISTOTLE -- When I speak to my labor union students about Greece and IMF, or "illegal" immigration and IMF, or massive unemployment and IMF, or tax cuts for the wealthy and IMF...etc... many ask what exactly is IMF? Nobody ever heard about IMF, because you never hear anything about it on mainstream media. They have kept it a closely-guarded secret. But now that Greece has stood up against IMF, World Bank, and G-8, Wall Street is angry. And Corporate media is manufacturing public consent to punish Greece. And because of this, some people are hearing the word IMF for the first time, even though they still don't know what they do, or how they do it. They don't know how IMF and World Bank work as a global credit card scam: loans you can NEVER pay back, and you're in debt, FOREVER. Your life is doomed, and your children's lives are doomed. Media and big political parties are creating mass hysteria that Greece will crash the world economy, and it's Greece's fault. Just the same way New York Times and CNN manufactured WMD consent to punish Iraq; they said it was Iraq's fault. They destroyed millions of Iraqis. Now they will destroy millions of Greeks. (I also heard Greece now has 50% unemployment. Soon, it will be 60 or 70%. And there will be new violence and bloodshed in the land of Socrates, Archimedes, Aristotle and Plato".

All are welcome to this evening of Open discussion.

Lamakaan Lecture Series
'Lamakaan Lecture Series' is flagship program of Lamakaan - An open cultural space, in which the main purpose is to engage audiences into series of thought and action which help in comprehending the bigger picture. Experts from disciplines give lectures on various issues and topics which are dearer to one and all.