Harsh Mander's Book release&Talk
2.0 hrs
August 06, 2015 6:30 pm Thursday

Inviting all for an evening with Harsh Mander, writer and social worker for the release of his Book “Looking Away: Inequality, Prejudice And Indifference In New India”.

In the book, he takes a dig at the indifference of the privileged class about the apathy they show towards the issues of Inequality, Prejudice and Indifference in New India. He argues that it is their very act of "looking away" that allows the present sorry state of affairs in India to persist. A frame work is created whereby such an injustices and exploitation are justified legitimized, he laments.

All are welcome.

Lamakaan Lecture Series
Lamakaan Lecture Series is the flagship program of Lamakaan, an open cultural space. The main purpose of this series is engage audiences into series thought and action which help in comprehending the bigger picture. Experts from disciplines give lecture on various issues and topics which are dearer to one and all.