Snake Awareness - Live demo
World Encironment Day
1.5 hrs
February 21, 2015 4:00 pm Saturday

Lamakaan is hosting A Free Snakes Demonstration and Awareness program where the common snakes are displayed & relevant facts are shared. A light is thrown on the common myths, surrounding these misunderstood creatures. By the end of the programme there is a subconscious transformation amongst the viewers and the perception about snakes are changed, with which we achieve our mission of conservation of snakes through knowledge.

We are sure, one would agree that snakes have been a source of fascination and mystery for all of mankind, across various cultures and religions. They are the only creatures which are revered and feared, at the same time. They have their place in ancient scriptures and literature. Few say that they are evil and only mean harm, while others picturize them as god; few facts and a whole lot of fiction. For most of us, just a sight of a snake, slithering past us might send a chill wave down our spine. So, do we fear them because they are secretive and elusive? Is it that they could kill us with a venomous bite? Or is it just that we lack enough knowledge about them? No matter what the answer is, the fact is that we know very less about these misunderstood slitherers. Rightly said by Chief Dan George, "If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know each other. If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." The Friends of Snakes Society aims to remove the fear by spreading awareness amongst the common man with the help of this powerful tool, FOS Awareness Programme.

Agenda of the Awareness Programme

--> Detailed description of different varieties of common species of snakes. --> How to differentiate between venomous and non-venomous species? --> Importance of snakes and wildlife conservation. --> Throwing light on myths and misbeliefs. --> First AID for snake bites. --> Q&A --> Information about python before concluding the programme.

Open to all and Entry is Free.

To rescue a snake from one's premises please call the 24/7 helpline number @ +91 83742 33366. To organise an awareness programme on snakes, please call +91 83742 33377. For more information about the organization, please visit us at