Love x Law – Vasudha Nagaraj
3.5 hrs
August 11, 2019 2:00 pm Sunday

Does the law really decide our lives? Or offer the final solutions to all of our problems? Should we rest our hopes in law? How do legal decisions play out in our daily lives? In what ways is the Law our ally, opponent, co-traveller or support?

Vasudha Nagaraj is a senior advocate who practices in High Court of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. She argues for tribals displaced by development projects, men and women subjected to police violence, women facing sexual assault and discrimination and many public interest litigations too.

Tashi Choedup
Anveshi Research Centre for Women’s Studies is an organisation that is committed to research, critical reflection and activism that meets the demands of our historical moment. Drawing on our legacy of feminist theory and intervention, we are invested in exploring new ways of understanding contemporary issues in education, Dalits and minorities, health and healthcare systems, development studies, law and critical legal studies, and the public domain. Anveshi works at an interdisciplinary location drawing scholars and activists from many fields. The Centre is located in Hyderabad, India.