Bade Miya Chote Miya
1.5 hrs
May 18, 2024 8:00 pm Saturday

"Bade Miya toh bade miya, Chote Miya SubhanAllah" is a light Hyderabadi Urdu/ Hindi comedy play hosted by Raffu Chakkar Entertainers. The play is about two characters and their behavior towards life and the way they handle the situation - they both have huge age difference, one young 14 year old and another one very young 60 year old. It will be an evening that will make you smile, laugh and give good times. Ticket Rs 100/- per head

Raffu Chakkar Entertainers
Raffu Chakkar Entertainers is a theatre group formed in year 2012 and since then have been working in performance arts and hosted more than 50 plays. This time around bringing a light comedy in Hyderabadi dialect which will be a full family entertainer.