Book buzzers MeetUp
Literary lovers MeetUp
3.0 hrs
January 16, 2014 12:00 pm Thursday

'Book Buzzers', a literary and book lovers are conducting their monthly literary meeting this month over a couple of documentary films on Legends from Telugu film industry.

Bookbuzz has been meeting every third Wednesday (or the next working day) at a pre-determined venue from noon to 3 pm over books and meal and the cost of lunch is shared by all the attendees. There is no compulsion of regular attending and there is no membership fee. However, a small fine is collected from late comers and members who miss consecutive meetings.The total amount collected is used to donate books to school libraries of under privileged children.

All are welcome.

Book Buzzers
Book reading habit is a joyuful activity....more so when we discuss and share our own perspectives. While our canvas grows bigger in size our problems look smaller! Bookbuzz started in january 2011 with 3 to 4 old friends meeting once a month in a member's home.We decide the book which will be discussed 2 months in advance. Fiction,non-fiction,books related to history,women,culture,economy,biographies etc have been discussed. we also discuss interesting articles from magazines and current topics of interest. Bookbuzz has been meeting every third wednesday at a pre-determined venue from noon to 3 pm and the cost of lunch is shared equally by all the attendees. There is no compulsion of attending and there is no membership fee. However, a small fine is collected from late comers and members who miss consecutive meetings.The total amount collected is used to donate books to school libraries of underpriveleged children. Generally members are introduced initially as guests by an existing member.This method is giving book-lovers an oppurtunity to join. Bookbuzz welcomes any person who loves reading and actively participates in the meeting.