HWMF's Community singing
1.5 hrs
April 13, 2014 4:00 pm Sunday

Hyderabad Western Music Foundation invites you to

7th HWMF-Community Singing: Prayers of the world Sharing Music – Creating Harmony

Communities around the world have made used the simple act of singing together to boost their morale, bring each other together, and gain energy. HWMF is doing a Community singing project with bi-monthly sessions. The motivation is simply to feel each others' energy and understand what it is like to sing with a room full of people. It is expected that participants have a basic interest in learning songs from all over the world in different languages and historical contexts! For this reason, we have set the minimum age to 12 years. So if you are fond of singing just for the sheer joy of it, this is the place to be! If you haven’t attended the last sessions, don’t worry – you can join any session fresh. If you have – don’t worry either – we don’t repeat repertoire or warm-ups so it is going to be new every time! Prayers have consistently been sung in a group together, to be heard together, combining faith with ritual. This week, we will be doing prayers from various religions and faiths from the world, like Shinto, Baha’i, Balinese kecak, and so forth!

Some of these are even performance-based forms, and we will explore the musical complexity as well as the subtle differences, and stronger similarities in prayers from various religions! Hope to see you there in faith!

Tejaswinee Kelkar, our course director, is doing her MS at IIIT Hyderabad. She has studied an Associate Diploma in Western Classical theory and composition as well as Sangeet Visharad in Hindustani Classical music and is locally part of the choir group the Deccan Voices.
