Andhon Ka Haathi
1.0 hrs
January 01, 2015 8:00 pm Thursday

UDAAN Performing Arts, presents its workshop production "Anhdon Ka Haathi" written by Sharad Joshi and directed by Saurabh Gharipurikar.

About The Play - The play though written many years ago has a concept that is quite contemporary. It unfolds the political and social scenario of the country. Based on a famous wisdom tale “The Elephant of Blinds” the play is a hard-hitting satire on politicians and their approach in handling the affairs of the country.

The plot revolves around five blinds and an elephant. Sutradhar, the presenter of the play brings an elephant before five blinds and requests them to identify, recognize and gave their own interpretations of it. He also tells them to find out the possible threats from it. In the process, the blinds catch hold of different parts of the elephant’s body like trunk, ear, leg, tale and the stomach.

Here starts a fight between five blinds over their difference of opinion about the elephant. The conflict symbolizes the fight between different political ideologies and religious beliefs. The blinds represent the establishment and its handling of the National issue. In a highly intellectual manner the whole theatrical events draws the true picture of our country. When the narrator of the play tries to expose them, the blinds kill him. The play shows how the system never wants to be questioned. Anybody dares to do so has to suffer the narrator’s fate.

Written By - Sharad Joshi Design & Direction - Saurabh Gharipurikar Actors - Sunjit Rao, Vinayak Raikhelkar, Pranav Chausalkar, Saurabh Joshi, Jonnalagadda Radhika, Nayeem Khan.

Date - 01st & 2nd January 2015 Venue - Lamakaan, Banjara Hills, Rd No 01 Time - 08:00 pm Donor Pass - Rs. 100/ -

UDAAN Performing Arts
Hindi play by UDAAN Performing Arts