Time buys Money/Money buys Time
2.0 hrs
February 14, 2015 2:30 pm Saturday

Two valuable commodities in human life? With these everything works without it everything seems joyless, meaningless and helpless?

Are we good in predicting people’s age or their bank balance?

Have you ever come across events when you have money in your pocket but you just lost something because you had no control over time?

You want to spend more time with your family and friends but why earning money is an obstacle to do so?

Why growing adults pay more attention to money than time and senior citizens pay more attention to time than money?

Do you think all people in the world will be happy and joyful if they have equal money?

Is it possible to eliminate time factor from life, if yes what replacement do you suggest?

Do we all have equal time? If not then why?

What is not possible for money to buy?

Time is money? Do we really understand that? If we understand do we really care of it?

Rich people want more time, poor people want more money!

What are occasions where you would like to negotiate on price and what occasions you like to negotiate with time?

Three stages of time: 1) Past, 2) Present, 3) Future

Two stages of richness: 1) Being Poor, 2) Being Rich

So are we looking for more time or more money? And what is that one thing which aligns these two commodities at one stage. To know the insight of that stage join in our PAL meetup and you will be amazed to know that how only few people pay attention to it and majority never thinks of it.

3 stages of wealth?

  • Time is there but money is needed.

  • Money is there but time is needed.

  • Neither money nor time both needed

Have enough money, have enough time, so what?

With time you became wise, with money you became wiser!

Kamal Pabba