Sharing Memories Barefoot
2.0 hrs
April 04, 2015 11:00 am Saturday

In this busy and fast world, where we tend to forget the dearest relationships with the family, most importantly our grandparents, let us take a break and share a few good memories with the world and people alike. This Exhibition is a collection of Photographs and memories shared with grandchildren and grandparents. Barefoot to Goa is a film that questions life, releasing in theaters on 10th April. Feel free to share the pictures at on or before 2nd April, 2015

Kushal Raj Patnaik
I am a Film and Media student, pursuing my bachelors degree in Annapurna International School of Film and Media. My films have been shortlisted in the semifinals and finals in Adobe Design Achievement Awards 2014 for Photography, Animation and Graphic Design and Indian Film Project 2014.