Inviting all for a Two-Day workshop on 'Critical Reasoning' by Biju Mathew. - The real world is messy and unpredictable. - Most people knew before the general elections that the BJP would win.
The two statements above both have a ring of truth. And yet they are also contradictory. Unlike the world of Newtonian physics or mathematical abstraction the social world we inhabit is not easy analyzed through the positivist methods of science. The social world is multi layered and analyzable only through an entirely different set of methodologies - methods that seek to uncover the deeper causal structures of real world phenomenon. This two days workshop is aimed at making visible some of the techniques involved in rigorous social analysis - why we might broadly encompass under the rubric of critical Reasoning.
Biju Mathew, our speaker tonight, is a Secretary of the National Taxi Workers Alliance in the USA, a Marxist researcher of labor process and migration and a Professor of Business. He is an associate professor of Information Systems and American studies at Rider University (New Jersey). Biju is also the co-Founder of Lamakaan.
Entry - Free.