Blood Earth -Film &Music morning
2.0 hrs
July 12, 2015 11:00 am Sunday

Showcasing on a Sunday morning at 11am on 12th Jul is a film by Chris McGuinness "Blood Earth" followed by a small performance of Indigenous Folk Music.

This Word Sound Power's second project, Blood Earth, commenced in August 2011 in the Khonda tribal village of Kucheipadar in South Orissa. In the mid-1990s, large deposits of Bauxite, the mineral from which aluminum is made, were discovered in the area. Soon after, the district became a conflict zone where a vibrant people's movement blossomed with songs serving as a uniting force. With a mobile music studio, Word Sound Power joined local singers and musicians in Kucheipadar for a new type of collaboration.

All are welcome.

Chris McGuinness
Many thanks to Kucheipadar community. Surya Shankar Dash for contacts and initial advice during the early stage of the project. Rabi Shankar Dash for introducing us and taking us into the village. Ramma bhai for kind guidance. Amma for feeding us. Minati Dash for extensive research advice and information. Farah Batool and Malvika Venugopal for curating the Blood Earth exhibition.