The Goodness Barter
Barter of goods
2.0 hrs
January 27, 2013 10:30 am Sunday

The goodness barter

"They say things that you own, end up owning you"

If you hoard a lot of things that you don't use anymore or if you're a victim of extreme consumption and and given to regret it later or you think someone else could make use of the things you own in a better way, come to the 'Goodness Barter'.

Bring your old/new things and barter them with others. What doesn't get exchanged, can go to your favourite charity. Why buy from the market when you can conserve resources by looking into the community around?

Have a dog collar that late Tommy used to wear? How about give it to an Animal Shelter that need it more.

Come to the event, and 'let go' of your unused possessions and find the ones that you need.


1) You have to arrange for your own display/mats/showcase racks 2) No business promotion allowed 3) You cannot 'sell' for the purpose of making a profit

All of us have tons of things/commodities that we don't use anymore, or never used. We get into the rut of 'consumption and hoarding' materials that could be better used by someone else. So the idea is to organize a fair where people can bring in their never used/overused or no-more to be used items and barter with the ones that others have brought. Whatever remains goes to a charity of their choice.

For eg. if someone has dog collars/bowls from a pet they used to have but it passed away then someone else could use it for their pet or they can donate it to blue cross.

The focus of this event will not be selling and making profits but promoting the idea of sharing and 'letting go' of material goods for the benefit of others.

Monica Bansal
Hi, I'm Monica Bansal, 24 and I work at Google. I'm interested in programs related to environment and recyling etc. Most of my efforts revolve around promoting minizming wastage and the idea of reduce,reuse and recycle. This event revolves around the same philosophy. Thanks,