let the HERDS multiply! - Folk
2.0 hrs
March 14, 2013 7:00 pm Thursday

As part of its third anniversary celebrations, Lamakaan invites you to a thrilling evening of folk theatre, with Kadem Sammayya, the outstanding Mandechchula Katha artiste, and his troupe from the hinterlands of Warangal district.

Mandechchula or Manda-hechchula Katha is a little-known but tremendously thrilling and energetic narrative performance set to infectious rhythmic beats, soaring choral accompaniment and trance-inducing emotional outpourings.

The traditional herdsmen of the Deccan, who rear mainly sheep and goats, have their own great folklore and mythology. These vivid epic-narratives of the Gollas, Kurumas and similar caste denominations are sung and performed by professional artiste-troupes belonging to a set of sub-castes who depend on the Gollas etc. for their livelihoods.

The Mandechchulollu (or the performers who help the herds multiply) are one such community. Found in Warangal, Karimnagar and Khammam, the Mandechchus have given a distinct performative spin and infectious energy to the tales of the great Golla-Yadava kings of yore and the stories associated with the great folk-hero and god of the rural Deccan, Mallanna (called Khandoba in Maharashtra and Mailara Deva in Karnataka).

This is a specially brought in show (by Sumanaspati Reddy and Dr. Raj Mohammad) to introduce the urban audience of Hyderabad to the vivacity of one of our truly vibrant and still-surviving folk performative traditions. And also to give a peep into how intimately it is connected with the life- pattern of a great and proud community. Admission-Free

Kadem Sammaiah and troupe
MANDECHCHULA KATHA performance by Kadem Sammaiah and troupe