Economics and Energy - A Talk
1.5 hrs
August 03, 2016 7:30 pm Wednesday

Economics and Energy: Of black holes and rakshasa vivah a talk by Sagar Dhara

We face three tipping points today—peak oil (representing imminent exhaustion of fossil fuels with inadequate alternate energy replacement), climate change and rampant inequality. Each of the tipping points has the potential to cause regress or collapse of human society.

Two anthropocentric subjects--knowledge of energy conversion (technology) and economics have brought us to the brink of these tipping points by aiding the mining of massive quantity of energy from nature. Economics has also allowed inequitable distribution of wealth by fabricating the tool, "privatization" of energy, a tool that has no basis in nature--abiotic or biotic.

To comprehend where we went astray, we must travel back 10,000 years to understand the history of the energetics of human society. This talk explores the history of energy surplus—its creation and distribution, and attempts to answer the question of how much energy can each one of us have to live in a sustainable, equal and peaceful society.

About Sagar Dhara: The speaker belongs to the most rapacious predator tribe that ever stalked the earth—humans, and to a net destructive discipline—engineering, that has to take more than a fair share of the responsibility for bringing earth and human society very close to the three tipping points. If you still want to contact him, you may do so at:

Entry Free. All are Welcome!

Lamakaan Programming Team
Sagar Dhara belongs to the most rapacious predator tribe that ever stalked the earth—humans, and to a net destructive discipline—engineering, that has to take more than a fair share of the responsibility for bringing earth and human society very close to the three tipping points. If you still want to contact him, you may do so at: