"In the Shade of Fallen Chinar" is a short documentary directed by Fazil N C and Shawn Sebastian. The film was shot in Kashmir valley a few days before the current unrest began. It takes a peep into the lives of a group of young Kashmiri artists who are also University students. It talks about the factors that inspires their art and how it takes the form of resistance in a conflict ridden Valley. "In the Shade of the Fallen Chinar" won special jury award at the John Abraham national Awards at the 10th SIGNS festival, organized by Federation of Film Societies of India-Keralam in association with Kochi Biennale Foundation and Films Division of India "for highlighting the voices and concerns of contemporary Kashmiri youth through their music and art."
Some of the reviews of the film can be found here: http://www.newindianexpress.com/cities/kochi/2016/oct/05/kashmirs-art-breaking-beauty-1525403--1.html