craft ideas for upcycling paper
1.0 hrs
June 25, 2017 11:00 am Sunday

Want a new way to use up those old wedding cards, cereal boxes,colour cards, brochures? Then this idea from Art Pagoda is the perfect upcycling project for kids. Let there imagination fly as they make bookmarks, envelopes, name tags. Really simple and will keep the little ones occupied for ages !

Age : 4+ Entry free &Open for All

Shilpi Kotari
Art pagoda is all about fun filled activities for children of all age groups. Our workshops are designed to capture child's interest and creativity, as the workshop progresses the child will slowly start trusting his own abilities unleashing his own creativity and hidden abilities. By the end of the workshop, child will leave with a sense of accomplishment and happiness. Art pagoda is all about appreciating simple things in life.