Cultural Camps
Cultural Camps
5.5 hrs
July 29, 2017 10:30 am Saturday

As the objective of the Campaign is to reclaim the atmosphere of peace and understanding between our two countries, it is felt that a continuous process involving some programs and activities will be required, especially during the Campaign period from 1st July to 15th August 2017. Many Partners have come out with some very creative programs and activities that they plan to organise during the course of the Campaign and other Partners can also consider to organise in their cities / towns.

Confederation of Voluntary Association
COVA (Confederation of Voluntary Associations), is a national network of voluntary organisations working for communal harmony and community empowerment in India and peace in South Asia and South East Asia through formation of COFI (Countering Online Fanatic Indoctrination) Networks in 12 countries of the region. COVA is also engaged with multilateral bodies like the United Nations Organisation, G20, BRICS, OIC and others for structural transformations of the world order to make society more equitable, sustainable, just and peaceful. Also organized Theater Plays incollaboration with Koshish Theater Group