"Vijay Jodha Special" Screenings
2.0 hrs
August 19, 2018 7:30 pm Sunday

Vijay is a Gurgaon-based writer, photographer and filmmaker. He completed his school and college from Hyderabad and studied filmmaking at New York University. He has produced five books and his projects have received over seventy honours in 24 countries. His films have been broadcast in over 200 countries on 75 channels including BBC, CNN and Discovery. Two of his books and three of his films have been selected for archiving in the U.S. Library of Congress. Parallel to paid work, he has produced over 30 films on pro bono basis, and has helped raise over Rs. 1.6 crores for various grassroots organisations.

Vijay Jodha as a filmmaker has won sixteen best director/film awards; grants from premier cinematic institutions like Sundance, Eurovision and ITVS International; as well as philanthropic institutions like Swiss Development Agency, The Ford Foundation and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Three of his films have been selected for archiving in the U.S. Library of Congress.

Goethe-Zentrum Hyderabad
As the premiere German language center, in the city we run numerous German courses, with ca. 1200 students per annum, re-establishing the Goethe identity with the help of Goethe standard and certification. Our cultural activities, always of high quality and relevance, have enabled us to acquire recognition as an established agency within Hyderabad’s cultural and educational landscape. Our cultural events, over 80 per year, range from western classical music to art exhibitions, theatre plays, dance performances, and poetry readings, amongst others.