Puppet Making for Parents
3.0 hrs
July 21, 2013 10:30 am Sunday

Simple and Colourful Animal Puppet Making Workshop for Mothers & fathers (whose kids are in the age group of 2 and Half to 5 years) by Sphoorthi Theatre for Educational Puppetry, Art and Craft (STEPARC).

This art form will help you communicate with your children with Audio-Visual aids and make that art of story telling more interesting.

Contact 9866081172 (Padmini Rangarajan) for registrations. Fee:500 including material to be given to you. sphoorthitheatre@gmail.com

Sphoorthi Theatre for Educational Puppetry,Art and Craft-STEPARC
Sphoorthi Theatre for Educational Puppetry, Art & Craft-STEPARC is a Voluntary Organisation which is working towards safeguarding Puppetry Folk Art form. Sphoorthi is using Puppetry as a media to address Educational, Social issues and engaged in building Awareness campaigns.