Ain't I a Scientist?
3.0 hrs
November 24, 2019 2:30 pm Sunday

Feminism(s) and Sciences have for a long time not spoken to each other. We shall talk about the need to evaluate sciences in feminist frameworks and about the need to understand sciences in a feminist context. As neuroscientists afflicted by our oppressions in terms of gender and caste, we shall speak about our journeys as both scientists and feminists -- how what makes us feminist is also what makes us scientists.

Anveshi RCWS
Anveshi Research Centre for Women’s Studies is an organisation that is committed to research, critical reflection and activism that meets the demands of our historical moment. Drawing on our legacy of feminist theory and intervention, we are invested in exploring new ways of understanding contemporary issues in education, Dalits and minorities, health and healthcare systems, development studies, law and critical legal studies, and the public domain. Anveshi works at an interdisciplinary location drawing scholars and activists from many fields. The Centre is located in Hyderabad, India.