Let's talk NFTs
3.0 hrs
September 23, 2022 5:30 pm Friday

Let’s talk NFTs by Amarnath Sandipamu

Non Fungible Tokens. Or simply NFTs.

You must have heard these words buzzing through the covid lockdowns. Couple of other words too: Crypto and Bitcoin?

What’s common between all of these? And most importantly, how’s it going to change the field of art, art practices, artistic expressions and the world at large. That’s where NFTs come into picture.

As someone who’s entire artistic journey has been centered around the sense of being independent, seeking maximum control on his works, Amar stumbled upon blockchain technology that gradually made him understand NFTs and the power of web3 ecosystem. He sees a great potential in it for artists, curators and any independent professional or group. Through his talk he aims to kindle a discussion and build a community by sharing his knowledge and making others connect.

Come let’s ponder over the possibilities of decentralisation that promises to revoutionalise the way humans are going to interact with each other in the near future.

For a focussed engagement the number of participants will be limited to 20-25. Interested ones would be required to fill in a google form: https://forms.gle/pjNdm98pezT9gWrWA. Upon shortlisting, you will be sent an invite.

Come, let’s talk about NFTs.

PS: The talk is not about crypto markets or aimed at investment enthusiasts.

3 hours duration - Entry by google forms Participants limited to 25 - Entry free

Organiser details: Amar is an independent documentary filmmaker from Hyderabad who has been actively engaging with Lamakaan giving talks, curating screenings and showing his films since its inception. More about him can be found at www.amars.in.

Amarnath Sandipamu
Amar is an independent documentary filmmaker from Hyderabad who has been actively engaging with Lamakaan giving talks, curating screenings and showing his films since its inception. More about him can be found at www.amars.in.