Brunch w/Sustainable tech hacker
1.5 hrs
September 15, 2013 12:00 pm Sunday

"There is nothing I cherish more than freedom in this world. The freedom to understand, learn and act is something we all have, but never realize. My encounter with open source in my college years exposed me to this freedom and changed my life."

Arun Ganesh, a sustainable technology hacker Talks "How using open source took me to the world" among other things like crowd sourcing, creative commons, maps etc. Arun has previously worked as a UI designer with the Wikimedia Foundation.

Not given any fairy tale books in his childhood by his parents, Arun spent his formative years flipping through his sister’s geography atlas, tracing shapes of countries, memorising place names and understanding the relationships between mountains, rivers and cities. Not surprisingly, he developed a deep interest in cartography and visual information design at an early age, creating large scale plans of fantasy cities on the backside of drafting sheets from his dad’s office. The four years spent pursuing Electronics & Communication Engineering from Anna University gave him ample time to develop his cartographic skills further, by contributing heavily to Wikipedia and the OpenStreetMap projects. After an accidental entry into the post graduate Information & Interface Design program at the National Institute of Design, he is now on a mission to share his love for geography and the environment to others using maps as a communication medium.

Open to All Entry-Free

Anant Maringanti
Arun has previously worked as a UI designer with the Wikimedia Foundation.