1.5 hrs
April 30, 2023 8:30 pm Sunday

Majdhar is a play where different people who want to cross the river, get on boat but get stuck in middle of a storm. Among them is a journalist "Shruthi" who is chasing a politician's son to get his story, there is a student leader "Lallan" who is a big politician's son with many criminal cases to his credit who comes along with his PA "Adi", who is twisted and corrupt guy. There is also a schoolboy called "Chambi" who is hydrophobic and is bullied by the PA. Jhoomru is the boat driver that is nakhuda. Come and watch "Majdhar", a beautiful story. The entry for the play is free and is being hosted as a thank you to Lamakaan for everything for the last ten years. All are welcome

Rafia Sultana/ Raffu Chakkar Entertainers
I started my theatre journey with Lamakaan about 10 years ago. If it wasn't for Lamakaan, I wouldn't have have written 51 scripts. My talent would have been hidden somewhere inside. Lamakaan gave the platform and inspires the artists of Hyderabad dare to dream and turn it into reality. I am very thankful to Lamakaan for the opportunity and this play is dedicated to Lamakaan and comes as a thank you.