1.5 hrs
June 11, 2023 8:00 pm Sunday

Round and Round and Round, a play based on Nirmal Verma’s Dedh Inch Upar, is an old man's experience of being oppressed by the State and the Society. How he underwent oppression and what is his confession on a session of drinks in the bar forms the plot of the play.

Undoubtedly, he is the last customer in that bar. But to know when he actually leaves the bar, you have to watch Round & Round & Round. So, join him over the drinks to catch the old man in round and round action.

Sifar Theatre
Sifar is a group of theatre enthusiasts based in Hyderabad who joined hands in 2009 to entertain audience with quality theatre. We also conduct theatre workshops for children and for adults regularly to discover new talent. Every Once in a while, we perform for the Government Juvenile Home for Boys and the Observation Home for Boys (juvenile prison) and jail inmates to entertain them and keep them connected with the outside world; we would consider it a privilege to do our part in bringing a smile to their lips. We have produced 14 productions since our inception with more than 100 performances all over India.