A Winter that Burned Delhi
2.5 hrs
July 09, 2023 7:00 pm Sunday

'A Winter that Burned Delhi: Silent Screams and Broken Promises of 1984' is a documentary film shot and directed by Rahul Milind, an undergraduate from Krea University. Taking an ethnographic approach, it looks into the tumultuous events of 1984 - Operation Blue Star in Punjab and the subsequent Anti-Sikh riots in Delhi; and how these events have gone on to shape the reality of being Sikh in India for decades. Looking at how these events are remembered today in memory, especially by those who have not lived the experience first-hand and have only heard stories about it growing up - the post-1984 younger generations, and their understanding and perception of not just the same, but also the larger Sikh identity, the film interlinks themes such as state violence against minorities, generational trauma, and identity formation, and was completed under the advisory of Dr. Ramachandra Guha and Dr. Prithvi Datta Chandra Sobhi.

Rahul Milind
Based out of Hyderabad, Rahul Milind has just graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in History and minoring in Psychology, from Krea University near Chennai, India. With a deep interest in history and historical narration, Rahul aspires to reimagine history one story at a time, through the art of writing, filmmaking, and visual storytelling. 'A Winter that Burned Delhi' is his debut film, while having written and published two articles on Hyderabad history in The Hans India, and two blogs on the cities of Delhi and Indore and the stories these spaces house, which can be found in his Instagram @milind2708