Exploring Mind via Mandala Art
2.0 hrs
November 04, 2023 2:30 pm Saturday

The Mandala (Sanskrit for “circle” or “completion”) has a long history and is recognized for its deep spiritual meaning and representation of wholeness with many people and cultures vouching for the mandala’s intrinsic meaning.

This workshop will not only help you learn this meditative art form but will also help you create a balance in life through the use of art as a meditation.

Session’s Brief:

1- Introduction and basic rules of Mandala

2- Mandala art form history and types

3- The science behind the patterns & how our life can be aligned with patterns (the para-physics dimension)

4- Co-creating with the artist in the Mandala Workshop

5- Activity (Practical and Experiential)

6- Wrap up and showcasing the created artwork

Registration at: https://www.meetup.com/infitribe/events/296871503/

Udayan Bakshi
A professional with 16+ years of corporate experience and a deep interest into the science of spirituality. A coach, an entrepreneur, writer, designer, strategist, a student and a seeker, ventured into life to discover the hidden secrets. https://www.linkedin.com/in/udayanbakshi/