The Art of Drawing a SMILE
2.0 hrs
November 25, 2023 3:00 pm Saturday

Some universal truths never fade, like the one below:

“For the want of a nail the shoe was lost, For the want of a shoe the horse was lost, For the want of a horse the rider was lost, For the want of a rider the battle was lost, For the want of a battle the kingdom was lost, And all for the want of a horseshoe-nail.”

Very often the "Nail" can be referred to as just one small act in the right direction, that can make all the difference in our life. Yet, we cannot defy our habitual patterns and keep struggling with a hope that "One day things might be fine, and very often that 'one-day' for most of us becomes the day, from where the U-turn becomes impossible. And if you are reading this, this very truth must be a part of your life, in some or the other form, undeniable.

The art of drawing a SMILE, is a very simple workshop, which teaches us to fix that very 'nail' for which even a battle can be lost.

Objectives of the Workshop

  1. Empower participants with simple techniques, mostly very ancient dovetailed with contemporary science.
  2. Teach them the application and the practical part of the techniques.
  3. Draw a daily schedule to gain sustainability of the methods.
  4. Give a live practical demo to establish the impact and simplicity of the process.
  5. Build a logical sequence of facts so that the knowledge can be easily accepted by the audience, surpassing the societal and mental filters.

Agenda and the sequence

  1. General introduction
  2. Hopes and Fears - Activity
  3. The 3 distinct levels of mind and consciousness
  4. The mind and body relationship - Activity
  5. The patterns of the universe and its impact on mind - Activity
  6. Empowered gesture: The positivity switch in the body - Activity
  7. The way ahead - Next-Step

Registration Link:

Things to do and carry

  1. A Pen and a note-pad
  2. Water bottle
  3. Suggestions (optional): Do not eat a 'full-stomach' meal. Avoid non-vey if possible.

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Udayan Bakshi
Almost 20 years and the wonder is still on. Just like that child who looks us at the sky and tries to reach out to the stars and amazed with the light of the fireflies. Passionate about research into meta-physics and the abstract aspects of life. For me spirituality is science in action. I am passionate about conducting workshop on various themes of life, which enhanses the quality of life and brings back out ancient tradition and culture.