How to defeat Fascism decisively
2.0 hrs
December 15, 2023 6:00 pm Friday

By now, it is clear without doubt that what we are witnessing in India is the onslaught of Hindutva fascism. It is a kind of fascism which has developed in the specific context of India. It has many similarities with the fascism that rose in Europe in 1930s and at the same time it has several pecularities as well. In order to fight it out in the current era, we need to grasp both the elements of continuity and of change thouroughly. Only then we will be in a position to make effective strategy and tactics to defeat Hindutva fascism decisively and to uproot it from our society. With this aim in mind, 'In Defense of Reason' is organising this important talk and discussion. The main speaker will be Anand Singh who is a political activist based out of Hyderabad. We invite all the progressive and justice-loving people who wish to erase all traces of fascism from our society to be part of this important discussion.

In Defense of Reason
'In Defense of Reason' is a discussion forum. We organise talk and discussion on verious burning issues that affect our society.