Talk:Fascism in the 21st Century
0.5 hrs
August 02, 2024 7:00 pm Friday

An effective resistance against fascism calls for a concrete understanding of this phenomenon. The current rise of fascism in different parts of the world including in India has many similarities with the fascist rise in Europe in the early 20th century. At the same time there are significant differences as well between the two fascist rise. In order to have a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon of fascism including the aspects of continuity and change as well as the contemporary strategy of anti-fascist resistance, ‘In Defense of Reason’ has invited a special guest Abhinav Sinha, who is a Marxist theorist and editor of workers’ Newspaper Mazdoor Bigul. Abhinav will deliver his talk on Friday, 2 August, 2024 at Lamakaan. We appeal to all those who consider them to be part of anti-fascist resistance to join this important program.

In Defense of Reason
In Defense of Reason is a city-level forum that aims to promote reason and rationality in society and talk about the burning contemporary questions of society to understand how to face them. We have held several discussions and talks at Lamakaan, most recently on the student movement against Israel and in support of Palestine by Professor Immanuel Ness, and on EVM and Electoral Bonds by Prof. Padmaja Shaw.