Reservations for Muslims
2.0 hrs
August 08, 2024 7:00 pm Thursday

A Case for Reservations for Muslims in Education and Employment. A Talk by Sujai Karampuri

What do identity-based reservations try to achieve in India? Have these reservations been successful? Is there a systematic discrimination of Muslims in post-Independent India leading to their underrepresentation? If so, what is the remedial action? How does India look at identity-based welfare schemes, policies, and preferential treatment? And what's the case for reservations for Muslims in Indian democracy?

About the speaker: Sujai Karampuri was born in Warangal, Telangana, and attended RECW and Michigan Tech. He lived in the US, Europe, and Bangalore and is now settled in Hyderabad.

He worked in the telecommunications industry in the US and Europe, ran his own technology venture in Bangalore, and worked for the Government of Telangana. He is now back to industry. He played an active role in the Telangana Movement.

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