Nazar Ke Samne
2.0 hrs
September 06, 2024 8:00 pm Friday

Nazar ke Samne (Before Your Eyes) is a collective expression of bodies that have endured caste and sexual violence. The performance is filled with unfulfilled desires, confessions, secrets and dreams. Journeying between childhood, youth and womanhood, the actors provoke questions around identity, freedom and justice. Nazar ke Samne is woven from personal experiences, listening closely to the body to reveal beauty and violence in everyday life.

Freeda Theatre & Maraa
Freeda theatre, is an inter-generational collective of women from Madhya Pradesh. Having worked together for a period of two years, theater proved to be a process of healing, transformation and assertion for us. It was from the stage that we finally received 'justice'. The process of reinventing ourselves and embarking on a theater making journey has been difficult given the social contexts we come from. We have negotiated and resisted various forms of backlash in this process, to assert our right to our own space, right to tell our stories on our own terms, and to ensure dignity and autonomy. As the performance travels, the dream is to hold this space for other women who have faced similar violence, and encourage more survivor-led/survivor centric theatre performances and collectives.