FLOR DE TOLOACHE -Music workshop
1.5 hrs
November 17, 2013 11:30 am Sunday

New York’s First All Women’s Mariachi Band Workshop 11.30am at Lamakaan on Sunday, the 17th Nov.

Inviting all Musicians and Music lovers for an interactive workshop on Mariachi music and preservation of traditional art forms in the 21st century with Flor de Toloache, New York's first all women band.

Mariachi Flor de Toloache is the first and only established all female mariachi band founded in New York city in 2008 by Mireya I. Ramos. Originally a trio, the band has grown to 9 members with all the essential and traditional instruments, violins, trumpets, guitarron (bass), vihuela (5 string guitar) and guitar. In addition, each members' cultural background adds even more diversity to their already unique sound and appearance as an all women band spanning the globe from Puerto Rico, to Mexico, Germany, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and the United States. Their goal of representing Mexican music and adding their own edgy and versatile sound comes together incredibly naturally and seamlessly.

Entry -Free

Hyderabad Western Music Foundation
HWMF is a registered non-profit organization, has been set up to revive, revitalize and heighten the level of awareness and appreciation of western music in the Twin Cities of Hyderabad & Secunderabad. HWMF believes that music has the power to pervade borders, resolve differences, unite people, propagate pluralism - and create harmony through music.