RANIs of INDIA-Lores of Queendom
Theatrical Storytelling
1.5 hrs
February 16, 2025 6:00 pm Sunday

RANIs of INDIA , Lores of the Queendom Description : RANIs of INDIA , Theatrical Storytelling Performance is a collection of lores from various oral and historical narratives of Queens who ruled different regions of the Country at various timelines collected based on numerous travel and research over the last few years on the lesser-known or completely forgotten women rulers of this country by Vikram Sridhar .

Over one hour, through oral story-telling smattered with folk songs , we travel the country, going deeper into many stories of Indian queens from myths, history and present times, whose stories need to be told and heard.

From North to South, East to West there have been women rulers/Queens/Ranis who`have changed and touched history strongly .

Vikram Sridhar
Vikram Sridhar is a Performance Storyteller, TEDx SPeaker, Theatre Practitioner.and a Narrative based Facilitator combining his various interests and work over 20+ years in Theatre, Conservation and Social Work. Based in Bangalore and Chennai , he has spoken at multiple events on the power of stories and theatre like the TEDx and quoted in various media. He extensively travels the country performing , conducting workshops and speaking at public spaces, community libraries, schools, corporates, business conferences, literary & cultural festivals for children , students and adults. With an engineering , Management and a law degree from institutes like SRM, IIT and NALSAR , Vikram moved on to be a full time Arts Practitioner and Solopreneur after working in the Management domain with IBM and SAP . He curates and is a part of Literary festivals for Children like the Bangalore Literature Festival , Bengaluru Poetry Festival , Dum Dama Dama : Children 's Theatre festival etc. He believes in the Desi way of Storytelling as a strong medium of conservation from nature to human relationships as his stories are rooted in folklore, Heritage and Ecology inspired from various communities of the soil . He strongly believes 'A Story a Day keeps the Doctor Away ' not an apple