वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् | Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam English Title: The World is Family (Duration: 96 minutes, Year: 2023)
Synopsis: Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, a Sanskrit phrase meaning “the world is family” is a universalist idea that competes with exclusivist Hindu notions of caste. Anand grew up in a milieu that questioned the latter. The family's elders had fought for India's Independence is rarely spoken about. 'Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,' words enshrined in the Constitution, became subconsciously internalised.
As Anand’s parents aged, he began to film with whatever equipment was at hand. Soon birthdays and family gatherings gave way to oral history. Revisiting home movie footage a decade after his parents had passed was a revelation. Today, as confessed Hindu supremacists whose ideology once inspired the murder of Mahatma Gandhi rewrite India's history, memo.
About the Director: Anand Patwardhan has been making documentary films for over five decades, pursuing issues at the crux of social and political life in India. Many of his films were banned by state television channels at one time or another and became the subject of censorship rulings that Anand successfully challenged in court. Active in movements for communal harmony and against unsustainable development, militarism, and nuclear nationalism, Anand describes himself as “a non-serious human being forced by circumstances to make serious films.”
Film Screening followed by interaction with the film director, Anand Patwardhan.
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